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I'm Back

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Wow, its been one month to the day since the last posting. I am very much relaxed and have returned from a honeymoon I'll never forget. Full of enjoyment and relaxation. The past months have been extremely busy for myself. Its almost incomprehensible. From the purchase of a new home, a new position at my work, a wedding, and a honeymoon, I am now ready to get back into a normal schedule.

One of the biggest things I've missed in the past months is writing this blog and my website upkeep. Something had to give in all the physical and mental work that had to be done. I can't wait to get back into it, no doubt.

So, since February, what have I missed? What interesting stories have you read about country music, what new and upcoming artist has caught your ear? How did you enjoy the ACM Awards? Yes, for the first time in my memory, I missed that particular show.

On my drive back from Charleston, SC yesterday, I had XM Highway 16 on, as I usually do. However, this time, it was a little different. No, the station hadn't changed nor really the music had changed, with exception of a few new songs... what had though was I had been away from country music for a week or so, on a cruise ship. It was calming, enjoyable, and really just a great feeling to hear country music again.

Well, that's all for now, I must start to sift through the hundreds of emails that await my attention about this great music we love.

You will be hearing more from me very soon, that is for sure.