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Reviews, Reviews, Reviews

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Boy, I have been so behind in the last 2 weeks on getting reviews written. I stayed up til the early morning hours last night getting caught up some. Feels pretty good to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have been blown away with Julie Robert's CD for awhile, so it felt good to get the review done so I can publish it soon.

Also, its pretty interesting how people notice that George Strait's new "50 #1 Hits" has a few that werent actually Billboard #1's but showed up on some of the other lesser known charts. It looks like he has had 38 #1 Billboard Country Singles. None the less, he is the king of country music. He has done so much for the sound and is just an amazing guy. CMT has posted a great interview with Strait. It doesn't happen often that he does any kind of interview, so when Strait speaks, I listen. Thats for sure.

Also, as the new 50 #1's come out, so does a songwriters tribute album. Now, this is one hell of a CD. Songwirters are the mind behind all of the great music we hear. They don't get no where near the credit they should. "A Songwriter's Tribute To George Strait" is an album that has the sognwriter's of some of Strait's biggest hit performing them. It is a real treat to hear.

Well, time to get back to catching up on some reviews and things.