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Lonestar "My Christmas List"

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Has the Christmas music bug gotten ahold of you yet? Well, if you have stopped by a Cracker Barrel, you may have seen the new release from Lonestar. It's a Christmas album featuring the new lead singer, Cody Collins.

The album has 9 classic songs and 2 new Christmas songs. They seems to be the trend of Christmas album these days; drop in a few new ones rather than trying to record a totally new song project. I guess a few new ones isn't as bad as all classic recordings. The classics are recorded with a little more pop sound than country, to me, but again, that's the current trend in country, unfortunately

"That's What Christmas Is For" and "My Christmas List" are the new tracks featured. Both having pretty much a common theme to them, wouldn't say instant classics, but pretty decent tracks. "Christmas List" deals with how we become older in life our list for Christmas changes from the younger Matchbox cars to the older wanting peace on Earth, troops safety and health of family. This song did make me stop a moment and think to myself that I indeed agree. The other song talks about the more family tradition and true meaning of Christmas.

The big headline though for this album is that its the first time we get to hear the new lead singer of Lonestar is heard. Vocals are crisp and clean, quiet radio friendly, I must say. However, Lonestar fans from their first album aren't going to adjust very easily I don't believe. Its a new group in my opinion when the lead singer leaves.

Remember, this album is available only at Cracker Barrel... that's another blog for another time.